The NT-DNTs issue has very little documentation and secondary information. This absence of information makes it very difficult to understand issues and problems of the community and strategies that could lift people out of poverty and destitution. The few documents and studies that are available, difficult for people to access as there are limited facilities to do so and they lack awareness about such facilities. The government published reports and documents relating to the NT-DNTs but there is little interest among government officers in getting this information out to local people. Therefore, NIRMAN developed a community library for the NT-DNTs. The main purpose of this community library is to gather data to use as an empowering resource for the community.
MRC is a national level project design for protection of migrant workers’ rights. Migrant resilience collaborative Project aim to ensure the safe and responsible recovery of migrant families and their livelihoods in India. Under this project District Migration resource center was set-up in Wagholi, Pune. It also known as DMRC. DMRC aims to provide assistance and support to migrant workers. This is a district-level unit for service delivery, knowledge production and awareness generation. The centre is managed and controlled by a District Coordinator who also coordinates with national and state teams for all field activities and service delivery.
Objective of the Project
1) To Provide Emergency Disaster Relief.
2) To ensure the safe and responsible recovery of migrant families and their livelihoods
3) to ensure safety, security, and mobility for vulnerable migrant families across India.